Center for Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit (CEBU) FM UGM has been appointed as the secretariat for Indonesia Clinical Epidemiology Evidence Based Medicine (ICE EBM) Network since 2015. In order to improve quality of clinical research in National level, ICE EBM Network and UGM RTC held the 3rd Batch of National GCP course in Bali – Indonesia on Nov 12-14, 2015. The organization of this course was funded by Biofarma (a pharmacy company), while travel costs of each participants were covered by each institution. Graph 3 shows that 75 researchers from universities under ICE EBM Network have been trained for GCP. Twenty six trainees were trained in the 3rd Batch located in Bali with aims to reach researchers from middle and eastern parts of Indonesia which were from Bali, Makasar, Kupang, Malang, Jember, Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Palembang. The next batch of National GCP course – ICE EBM will be held on Dec 2017.
(Reported by Ktut Palupi)