1stBatch of Regional Course on Implementation Research (IR)
Oct 7-10, 2015, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Yogyakarta – Indonesia. Center for Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada (CTM-UGM) with the support from WHO/TDR has successfully conductedthe first batch Regional Course on Implementation Research (IR) at the Phoenix Hotel, Yogyakarta from October 7 to 10, 2015. With intensive of lectures and group works, this 4 day course aims to develop IR capacity in both individuals and institutions, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, where the greatest needs for expanding IR capacity persist.This course will introduce participants to the concept of IR, tools and materials relevant to IR and facilitate the development of IR proposal.
We distributed call for application of the course with deadline of application: September 3, 2015 and announcement of selection result: September 7, 2015. Surprisingly, there were twenty six group of applicants (75 applicants) from Indonesia, Thailand, India, Lao PDR, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Nepal, and Sri Lanka submitted their application documents. Only 16 participants (6 groups) were selected as TDR scholarship recipients. They were Sanjay Pattanshetty, Prakash Narayanan Vasudevan Potty (Manipal University, India), Huch Chea, Rithea Leang, Dysoley Lek (National Centre for Parasitology Entomology and Malaria Control (CNM), Cambodia), Thepphouthone Sorsavanh, Phitsada Siphanthong, Sakhone Suthepmany (National Tuberculosis Control Center, Lao PDR), Merry Samsuri, Rini Palupy, Betty Weri Yolanda Nababan (FHI 360, Jakarta, Indonesia), Xin Hui Supanee Chan, Nattwut Aekaphirat, Chris Erwin Mercado (Mahidol University, Thailand), Indah Purnama Sari, Yustini Ardillah (Sriwijaya University, Indonesia). An observer from FM UGM (Fara Silvia Yuliani) was involved actively in one of the groups during the course.
Fourexperienced resource persons facilitated in this course i.e. Khaleda Islam – Bangladesh, Riris Andono Ahmad, Adi Utarini and Yodi Mahendradhata– Indonesia. Participants found that skills gained in this intensive 4 day course areessential for them as in developing a good implementation research. They recommended those who work in implementation research to take this course to improve their skills. The 2nd batch of Regional Course on IR will be held again in Yogyakarta on October 2016 with providing up to 7 scholarships from WHO/TDR.
Figure 1. Participants and facilitators of Implementation research regional course 2015
Figure 2. Discussion and presentation