Center for TB and HIV, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjajaran, Bandung in collaboration with CTM FM UGM held the first batch of training on GCP for their researchers. This 2 day course was conducted on September 26-27, 2014 in Serela Merdeka Hotel, Bandung West Java. It was delivered by 2 facilitators i.e dr Jarir At Thobari PhD and dr. Rovina Ruslami, Sp.PD, PhD through interactive lectures, discussions, and case studies. This GCP training was attended by 23 participants who are medical doctors, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, transporter and administrative staff. They are involved in 3 main projects in the Center i.e TB Meningitis ReDEFINe, RTC LTBI, and Tandem (TB DM) Projects. Feedback from participants shows that this training is useful for them particularly for its relevance to their study. The second batch is planned to be conducted in May 8-10, 2015 with the financial support from FM University of Padjajaran.